The last festival of the League, on October 14th in Donostia
Araba will defend the lead reached in Bilbao and Plentzia
09/20/2011: The last function of LZPP (Liga Zesta Punta Profesional) already has date: It will be on Friday, October 14th in the Carmelo Balda fronton of Donostia and the festival will start at 6: 00 pm.
There will be again the teams from Bilbao (Kalzakorta-Zabala), Bizkaia (Hormaetxea-Manci), Donostia (Arta-Lopetegi), Gipuzkoa (Beitia-Madarieta), Araba (Foronda-Lakontxa) and Biarritz (Zuloaga-Onaindia).
These two teams are in the top two positions, since the pelotaris from Araba have 37 points; and the members of Iparralde, 31. Gipuzkoa is in the third place with 28 points, Bizkaia has 26, and the last two positions are for Donostia and Bilbao, that are tied to eleven.
So things, Foronda-Lakontxa will must fight for their closest rivals not rob them the leadership got after the great games played in the Deportivo fronton of Bilbao and in the Plentzia Jai Alai.
Text: Juan Luis Ibarretxe Marcos
Photograph description: Iker Foronda and Gorka Lakontxa (Araba)