  Turismo - Contratación de festivales
  Dossier para turistas - castellano y euskera
  Dossier para turistas - english - french
  => Enrique II, Narbarte y Alberro se reparten los triunfos en Orereta
  => Iturbide-Bailo y Alberro-Zabala lucharán por el título en Donostia
  => Iturbide-Bailo eta Alberro-Zabala, Donostiako finalean
  => Antxon, profeta en su tierra
  => Erkiaga-López acceden a la final del Parejas
  => Antxon bere herrian nabarmendu egin da
  => Erkiaga-Lopezek finalerako txartela lortu dute
  => Erkiaga-Minvielle dan la sorpresa en San Juan de Luz
  => Erkiaga-Minviellek ezustekoa eman dute Donibane Lohizune
  => Goikoetxea-Hernández, por la mínima
  => Goikoetxea-Hernández, tanto bakar batengatik
  => Iturbide-Bailo, una locomotora en el Balda
  => Iturbide-Bailo, geldiezinak Balda frontoian
  => Erkiaga se doctora entre los grandes
  => Erkiaga has graduated with the stars
  => Erkiaga vuelve con triunfo
  => Erkiaga garaipena lortuz itzuli da
  => Zuloaga encadena dos triunfos en 24 horas
  => Zuloaga, two wins in 24 hours
  => Treku-López pasan de ronda en Hondarribia
  => Treku-López, to the next round in Hondarribia
  => Hormaetxea-Irastorza frenan a Olha-Etcheto
  => Hormaetxea-Irastorzak Olha-Etcheto gelditu dute
  => Markina y Gernika arrancan con ímpetu en Lekeitio
  => Markina eta Gernika indar handiz hasi dira Lekeition
  => Segundo triunfo consecutivo para Hernández
  => Second consecutive triumph for Hernandez
  => García-Minvielle pueden con el campeón Erkiaga
  => García-Minvielle won against Erkiaga, the champion
  => Gernika y Berriatua, los más fuertes en la primera jornada
  => Gernika eta Berriatua, indartsuenak lehenengo jardunaldian
  => Egiguren II-Osa remontan y dejan fuera a Treku-López
  => Egiguren II-Osa beat Treku-Lopez after going losing
  => Barandika-Manzi se sacan la espina del año pasado
  => Barandika-Manzik iazko arantza kendu dute
  => Akarregi B y Zumaia se estrenan con triunfo en Lekeitio
  => Akarregi B eta Zumaia garaipena lortuz estreinatu dira Lekeition
  => Erkiaga-Alliez concluyen la liguilla con victoria
  => Erkiaga-Alliezek garaipena lortuz bukatu dute ligaxka
  => Manci sobresale en Otsagabia
  => Hormaetxea-Manci, primeros líderes de la Liga
  => El desempate otorga a Biarritz el triunfo en el adiós al Depor
  => Izagirre y Zuloaga, triunfadores en Urdax
  => Izagirre eta Zuloaga, garaile Urdaxen
  => Biarritz se despega pese al doblete de Araba
  => Araba releva en la cabeza a Biarritz
  => Aitor Galarraga se lleva el Navarrorum de cesta
  => Aitor Galarragak zesta puntako Navarrorum Torneoa irabazi du
  => Gipuzkoa y Bizkaia aprietan la cabeza de la Liga
  => Las dos últimas quinielas catapultan a Araba
  => Izagirre y Sánchez se llevan los triunfos en Lizartza
  => Izagirrek eta Sanchezek garaipenak lortu dituzte Lizartzan
  => Goiko-Enbil se toman la revancha del Guante de Oro
  => Goiko-Enbil take revenge in Gernika
  => Andoain gana el partido inaugural en Durango
  => Andoainek estreineko partida irabazi du Durangon
  => Araba, por la vía rápida
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Erkiaga has graduated with the stars
Erkiaga has graduated with the stars
With an unassailable López, shines and wins the Parejas
ERKIAGA – LÓPEZ                      35
Time: 67 minutes
Score: 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 5-8, 7-8, 9-9, 10-10, 11-11, 11-18, 14-18, 14-27, 18-27, 18-32, 20-32, 20-34, 21-34 and 21-35
Chronicle 08/01/2011:
Aritz Erkiaga graduated yesterday among the stars, given that, despite is only 24, yesterday completed a great job with an always impregnable Imanol Lopez, so together won by 21-35 against Goikoetxea-Hernández in the final of the Parejas Championship of cesta punta, played in the University fronton of Markina.
The pelotari from Ispaster has been shining last years, but his progression is still very good, and, in addition to signing a couple of spectacular cortadas, he showed a perfect rebote and did not commit errors, despite facing a phenomenon such as the eight-time single champion Iñaki Goikoetxea.
Behind, meanwhile, Imanol demonstrated once again that he is a wall, so it is virtually impossible to see him making mistakes and, at the same time, he showed a incredible reves that did much damage to his opponents. Hernández, for his part, did what they could, but was dominated and was a very hard job, because his opponents did not allow Iñaki to do his game, so he had to take risk and did not do tantos.  
So, after a first dozen very balanced and with many ties, came the takeoff of the blue, because after a 0-7 that led them to 11-18, another partial went direct from 14-18 to 14-27 and leave the clash settled.
From this moment to the end, the situation did not change and the vizcaíno and the guipuzcoano continued on their until the 35, allowing in addition to López repeat title, because in October he already won the Parejas, in this case with Mikel Egiguren.
In the first game played yesterday afternoon at the University of Markina, Egiguren II-Osa beat Treku-Enbil by a score of 30-20. The winners dominated in almost every moment.
Text: Juan Luis Ibarretxe Marcos
Photograph description: The four players, in the podium
17:00 HORAS
- Bilbao (Kalzakorta-Zabala)
- Bizkaia (Hormaetxea-Manci)
- Donostia (Arta-Lopetegi)
- Gipuzkoa (Beitia-Madarieta)
- Araba (Foronda-Lakontxa)
- Biarritz (Zuloaga-Onaindia)

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